miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2024

14th February 2024

 " Glossary class"

  1. Cling: To adhere closely; to stick tightly.

  2. Swing: To move back and forth or from side to side while suspended or on an axis.

  3. Flee: To run away from a place or situation of danger.

  4. Forbid: To prohibit or disallow something; to command against.

  5. Kneel: To bend the knee(s) as in reverence, worship, or submission.

  6. Quit: To stop or cease doing something; to resign or leave.

  7. Shit: Vulgar slang for feces; also used informally to express frustration or disdain.

  8. Shut: To close or block an opening or entrance.

  9. Sneak: To move quietly and stealthily, typically to avoid being noticed.

  10. Slipt (alternative spelling of "slipped"): To move smoothly, quietly, and quickly; past tense of "slip."

  11. Spit: To eject saliva or other substances forcibly from the mouth.

  12. Strick (assuming you meant "Strike"): To hit forcefully or with a blow; to come into contact with forcefully.

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