martes, 27 de febrero de 2024

February 27th 2024


Grammar rules.

Grammar rules serve as the scaffolding of language, providing structure and coherence to our communication. While adherence to these rules fosters clarity and understanding, their rigidity can sometimes stifle creativity and expression. Yet, within these constraints lie opportunities for innovation and mastery, as writers and speakers navigate the nuances of syntax, punctuation, and style. Understanding grammar rules enables us to craft more effective and impactful messages, ensuring our ideas resonate with audiences. However, it's essential to recognize that language evolves, and flexibility within these rules allows for adaptation to changing contexts and communication needs, underscoring the dynamic nature of linguistic expression.

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024

February 25th


Active or passive voice 


The choice between active and passive voice is more than just a grammatical decision; it shapes the tone and emphasis of our communication. Active voice, with its subject-verb-object structure, imparts clarity, directness, and a sense of agency, making it ideal for straightforward and engaging writing. In contrast, passive voice, where the subject receives the action, can obscure responsibility or deflect attention, but it also allows for emphasis on the action itself or the object affected. Understanding when to employ each voice empowers writers to wield language with precision, conveying not just information, but also attitude and intention, thus enriching the dynamics of expression in both written and spoken communication. 

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2024

February 22nd



- **Larger**: Greater in size or extent.

- **Rounder**: Having a circular or curved shape; more spherical.

- **Ankle**: The joint connecting the foot with the leg; specifically, the area between the foot and the lower leg.

- **Wasteland**: An area of land that is barren or desolate, often devoid of vegetation and uninhabited.

- **Wedding**: A ceremony where two people are united in marriage; also, the celebration or event surrounding this ceremony.

- **Upset**: Disturbed, agitated, or emotionally unsettled; also, to cause someone to feel this way.

- **Smaller**: Lesser in size or extent; not as large as something else.

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2024

February 21st


Book review example (mine).

I loved this book.

I read this book a few years ago, in this book you can found quite a few short stories about successful women like singer's, princess, etc...

Like Frida Khalo, Yoko Ono, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and more wonderful women.

Each story has an illustration of the woman and a little phrase by the mean character, I guess it's a feminist book.

I want to recommend this book because from my point of view it can help many girls, because it describes the persistence and the desire of evert woman to reach the goal.

My favorite story is about Alicia Alonso, she was a dancer.

domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

February 18th

 The Martian - book review 

"The Martian" by Andy Weir is a riveting exploration of human resilience and ingenuity in the face of insurmountable odds. Through the lens of astronaut Mark Watney's struggle for survival on Mars, Weir crafts a tale that is equal parts thrilling and thought-provoking. The meticulous attention to scientific detail lends authenticity to the narrative, immersing readers in Watney's desperate fight for survival. However, amidst the tension and danger, Weir infuses moments of humor and humanity, creating a story that is as heartwarming as it is thrilling. Ultimately, "The Martian" serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity and the power of determination in the face of adversity.

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2024

February 16th

 Mixed conditionals 

Mixed conditionals, a fusion of different conditional structures, offer a nuanced way to express hypothetical situations with connections to both past and present. They embody the complexity of human experience, where our actions in the past influence our current circumstances. By blending tenses, mixed conditionals highlight the dynamic nature of cause and effect, inviting contemplation on the interplay between choices made and outcomes faced. In these constructs, the hypothetical meets the concrete, inviting us to consider the myriad paths our lives might have taken. Through mixed conditionals, we explore not only alternate realities but also the intricacies of our own narratives, reminding us of the intricate web of time and consequence. 

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2024

February 15th, 2024


1. **Competent**: Capable and skilled in a specific task or area.

2. **Ambitious**: Having great goals and desires for success.

3. **Conscientious**: Careful and meticulous in one's work or responsibilities.

4. **Versatile**: Able to adapt and function in different situations or roles.

5. **Resilient**: Able to quickly recover from difficulties or setbacks.

6. **Adaptable**: Capable of easily adjusting to new conditions or environments.

7. **Initiative**: Taking the lead in addressing issues or creating opportunities.

8. **Resourceful**: Able to find creative and effective solutions to problems.

9. **Diligent**: Hardworking and persevering in task completion.

10. **Pragmatic**: Focused on finding practical and realistic solutions to problems.

miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2024

14th February 2024

 " Glossary class"

  1. Cling: To adhere closely; to stick tightly.

  2. Swing: To move back and forth or from side to side while suspended or on an axis.

  3. Flee: To run away from a place or situation of danger.

  4. Forbid: To prohibit or disallow something; to command against.

  5. Kneel: To bend the knee(s) as in reverence, worship, or submission.

  6. Quit: To stop or cease doing something; to resign or leave.

  7. Shit: Vulgar slang for feces; also used informally to express frustration or disdain.

  8. Shut: To close or block an opening or entrance.

  9. Sneak: To move quietly and stealthily, typically to avoid being noticed.

  10. Slipt (alternative spelling of "slipped"): To move smoothly, quietly, and quickly; past tense of "slip."

  11. Spit: To eject saliva or other substances forcibly from the mouth.

  12. Strick (assuming you meant "Strike"): To hit forcefully or with a blow; to come into contact with forcefully.