miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024



12. **Nurture**

    - *Meaning:* Care for and encourage the growth or development of.

    - *Translation:* Nutrir.

    - *Example:* Parents nurture their children's talents and abilities.

13. **Concede**

    - *Meaning:* Admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.

    - *Translation:* Conceder.

    - *Example:* He had to concede that he was wrong.

14. **Benevolent**

    - *Meaning:* Well-meaning and kindly.

    - *Translation:* Benevolente.

    - *Example:* The organization's mission is benevolent, aiming to help those in need.

15. **Precarious**

    - *Meaning:* Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

    - *Translation:* Precario.

    - *Example:* The ladder was placed in a precarious position.

16. **Adept**

    - *Meaning:* Very skilled or proficient at something.

    - *Translation:* Experto.

    - *Example:* She is adept at solving complex problems.

17. **Relegate**

    - *Meaning:* Consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position.

    - *Translation:* Relegar.

    - *Example:* The team was relegated to a lower division.

18. **Resilient**

    - *Meaning:* Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

    - *Translation:* Resiliente.

    - *Example:* Despite setbacks, the community proved resilient in rebuilding.

19. **Voracious**

    - *Meaning:* Wanting or devouring great quantities of food.

    - *Translation:* Voraz.

    - *Example:* After the hike, they had a voracious appetite.

20. **Tenacious**

    - *Meaning:* Tending to keep a firm hold of something.

    - *Translation:* Tenaz.

    - *Example:* The tenacious climber reached the summit.

21. **Cognizant**

    - *Meaning:* Having knowledge or being aware of.

    - *Translation:* Consciente.

    - *Example:* Employees need to be cognizant of company policies.

22. **Prudent**

    - *Meaning:* Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

    - *Translation:* Prudente.

    - *Example:* Making a prudent financial decision is crucial for long-term stability.

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