domingo, 21 de abril de 2024

22nd April 2024 - Glossary


22 April 2024

馃實馃崈 Glosary 馃崈馃實

  1. Naughty (adj.) - Mischievous or disobedient, often in a playful or mildly disruptive way.
    • Translation: Travieso/a (Spanish)
    Mischievous (adj.) - Playfully causing annoyance, harm, or trouble.
    • Translation: Travieso/a (Spanish)
    Restless (adj.) - Unable to rest or relax due to boredom or dissatisfaction.
    • Translation: Inquieto/a (Spanish)
    Felong (n.) - A typo, perhaps meant to be "Felon" which refers to a person convicted of a serious crime.
    • Translation: Delincuente (Spanish)
    Avoid (v.) - To keep away from or prevent from happening.
    • Translation: Evitar (Spanish)
    Run Over (phrasal verb) - To hit with a vehicle and drive over.
    • Translation: Atropellar (Spanish)
    Junky (adj.) - Slang for someone who is addicted to or has an affinity for junk or low-quality things.
    • Translation: Adicto/a a la basura (Spanish)
    Naive (adj.) - Lacking experience, wisdom, or judgment, often resulting in being easily deceived or manipulated.
    • Translation: Ingenuo/a (Spanish)
    Bimbo (n.) - A slang term referring to a person, typically a woman, who is perceived as unintelligent or overly concerned with their physical appearance.
    • Translation: Bimbo (same in Spanish)
    Drought (n.) - A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
    • Translation: Sequ铆a (Spanish)

martes, 2 de abril de 2024

02 April 2024 - Vc


  1. Talkative: Inclined to talk a lot or to converse freely.

  2. Noun: A word used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things.

  3. Potholes: Holes or pits in a road surface, typically caused by wear or weathering, that can be hazardous to vehicles.

  4. Shape: The form or appearance of an object; the outline or contour of something.

  5. Aslut (assuming you meant "Assault"): A violent physical or verbal attack.

  6. Tends: (Assuming you meant "Tends" as a verb form of "tend") To have a tendency or inclination towards something; to be likely to do or experience something.

  7. Tend: To regularly or frequently behave in a particular way; to care for or look after something or someone.

  8. Struck: Past tense of "strike," meaning to hit or deal a blow, or to be affected by something.