martes, 19 de marzo de 2024

19 March 2024- Glossary jst translation

Effort - Esfuerzo

Refuse - Rechazar 

Get through - Superarse 

To fail - Fracasar

Clumsy - Torpe

Dealt -  Tratado (manipular un objeto)

Complex - Complejo

To annoy someone - Molestar a alguien

Annoying - Molesto 

Tricky - Complicado

Ackward - torpe

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024

15 March 2024-Glossary


  1. Efficient (Eficiente): Doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy.

  2. Consequence (Consecuencia): The result or effect of an action or condition; outcome.

  3. Inevitable (Inevitable): Certain to happen; unavoidable.

  4. Contradict (Contradecir): To assert the opposite of a statement made by someone; to deny or oppose.

  5. Diverse (Diverso): Showing a great deal of variety; differing from one another.

  6. Relevant (Relevante): Closely connected or appropriate to what is being considered or discussed.

  7. Vivid (Vívido): Producing strong, clear images in the mind; intense or bright in color.

  8. Subsequent (Subsecuente): Coming after something in time; following.

  9. Prevalent (Prevalente): Widespread; commonly occurring or accepted.

  10. Perceive (Percepción): To become aware or conscious of something through the senses; to recognize or comprehend.

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2024

03 March 2024

 Passive voice 

To identify the passive and active voice in English sentences, it's crucial to understand the structure and function of verbs. In the active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action. For example, in the active voice, "The dog chased the cat," "the dog" performs the action. In the passive voice, "The cat was chased by the dog," "the cat" receives the action. The auxiliary verbs "to be" and "to have" are used to form the passive voice, along with the past participle of the main verb. Identifying the voice in a sentence involves observing who performs the action and how the sentence is structured.

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2024

01 March 2024


Modal verbs 

Modal verbs in English are a group of auxiliary verbs that modify or complement the meaning of other verbs in a sentence. These verbs include "can," "could," "may," "might," "shall," "should," "will," "would," "must," and "ought to." They are used to express possibility, ability, permission, obligation, probability, and advice. For example, "can" is used to indicate ability or capability ("I can swim"), while "may" is used to express possibility or permission ("You may leave now"). Modal verbs are fundamental for constructing a variety of meanings and nuances in English.